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Will the theologian ever be reconciled with the scientist? T. F. Torrance discusses the implications for Christian theology of a transition from two great dualist cosmologies of the past (the Ptolemic and the Copernican-Newtonian) to a non-dualist Einsteinian cosmology, which might seek to integrate the assumptions of science and religion by elucidating the unity of being and form, substance and...

100,000,000 similar systems of stars far beyond it. And what is also staggering is that this universe, comprising all these galaxies, is expanding at the rate of more than 160,000 miles a second. What is man, mere man, in the face of this incomprehensible immensity, that God should think of him and care for him? And now, as if in answer to that question, our astronomers have come up with something that to me is even more breath-taking in its implications: the narrow margin of possibility that all
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